Friday, April 25, 2008


Last week we packed our 360 boxes over a period of four days. It was hard physical work during the day and by night there barely a pause in the celebration of laughter and tears as we bid many friends goodbye.

On reflections of leaving Kobe, Japan we quote: Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees once said“Leaving Australia was the hardest thing I have ever done”

Anna and myself shamelessly have plagiarized him and say:“Leaving Kobe will be one of the hardest things we have ever done “

This is due 100% to the great friends we have made over the last four years. We have indeed been blessed with making some really good friends that we want to keep.

As Aristotle said:
“Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit”

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Parabolic Painting

Brian Williams a talented artist based in Lake Biwa area in Japan has developed a new concept of parabolic painting. Our eyes see dimension and his new style of painting has a 3d dimension as the canvas (he makes custom) is curved. Earlier last year we discussed with Brian about getting a famous ZEN garden in Kyoto (Ryoanji) to be commisioned in these discussions ...we agreed to be guinea pigs for this new concept. He had no yet developed the technology or approach to paint on a curved surface.......We took delivery of this painting late 2007. We are stunned it is really amazing !