Tuesday, September 2, 2008

7 weeks = 49 days

During the last moment of one's life we will all think of something. This last thought, (good or evil) will influence your next rebirth. When I learnt of this I wondered what Dad contemplated but it was easy he would have thought about his family.

At the time of dying all our worldly possessions such as wealth, position or money can't help us nor can relatives and friends can neither prevent death or go with us. We leave behind our body which is a mere shell. Our state of mind is focused into "energy". That energy has been known to manifest (that should be another blog entry in itself)

In Buddhism Karma explains the differences between living beings.
Karma means action, means "to do". It is intentional, conscious and deliberate action. In the Law of Karma, if we do a wholesome action then eventually we will get a wholesome fruit.

During the process of life and death, we should look as this as our personal account of profits and losses. With each of us collecting Karma credits for good acts.

Dad if you are reading this let me add that you have done a incredible job to make us all strong. In your life you have collected many many Karma credits....you must now let go and move on with your next challenge.

(Instructions below are for you Dad)

In Buddhist belief the funeral ceremony lasts 49 days - "As soon as the death of the body has taken place, the personality goes into a state of trance for four days, during which time the person does not know they are dead . (First Bardo ) During this time Lamas (monks) saying special verses can reach the dead person.

Then near the end of this time you will see a brilliant light. If the radiance of the Clear Light does not terrify you and you welcome it, then the person will not be reborn. Many flee from the Light, which then fades.

You can then become conscious that your death has occurred and (Second Bardo) begins.

At this point you will sees all that they have ever done or thought passing in front of them. It might feel as if you have a body but will realise this is not to be so and you may long to possess one again.

Finally the (Third Bardo) the state of seeking another birth. All previous thoughts and actions direct the person to choose new parents, who will give them their next body.