Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What is so special about the Galapagos?

You can imagine that the world was once like the Galapagos Islands -- everywhere. You feel that you are indeed in the 'Garden of Eden' where all life is unafraid of man. However there are two feelings that have to be overcome:

First that you, yourself have fears of these animals, birds. This is a natural sensation, as you cannot be used to being is such close and I mean really close proximity to nature. Perhaps this was the way it was intended to be, but regardless of that it is unnatural.

Second if there is any rejection of the idea of 'evolution', then certainly the Galapagos Islands will be testing your beliefs with data simply in front of you. The islands are amazingly diverse and the inhabitants are 'unique' and their adaptations to live in this harsh environment is quite incredible.

After being in many exotic places around the world - Petra, Peru, Tibet, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Turkey, South Africa, Laos, India, Burma etc this is the most amazing place I've been to (fullstop)

My BLOG is named Darwin Boy where I was born, so travelling in the footsteps of Sir Charles Darwin had special meaning to me. Also the Galapagos are blessed with a species of birds that are incredible: Boobies. These come in Blue Footed, Red Footed and Nazcar Boobies -- as it happens my childhood nickname was Boobie. I'm sure my parents never read any Charles Darwin books -- hence this one of life's coincidences.

As the trip neared the end it was interesting to hear my fellow passengers talk about going back to the "real world". David Attenborough was quoted in saying: "a disconnection from the natural world means urban dwellers are losing sight of life's realities" It is easy to argue that this is the "real world!". We saw life and death played out everyday....there were new born sea lions with the placenta being eaten by birds, Albatross were doing mating dances, Sea Turtles were mating in the water, Male Seal Lions were fighting over their harem, Marine Iguanas were headbutting and fighting for was an unscripted joy to witness and see these amazing sights.

Indeed words are inadequate to describe this simply have to do go before you die and do promise not to leave any footprints, so that others can have this priviledge.



Anonymous said...

It was extremely interesting for me to read the blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read more soon.

Donna Gee said...

wow... this is truly inspiring. so very amazing. wow. wow. wow!