Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Special Dates

Today is 11/1/11, and I recall consciously thinking today is 1/1/11. Similarly when 7/7/77 and 8/8/88 dates occurred there was an A-Ha moment.

However I don't remember 9/9/99, perhaps that was because I was living in Shanghai at that time and there were other challenges to be concerned about. It is quite possible that this was due to preparation for the year 2000 and all the work that went into that 'special date'.

Last year we also celebrated a 10/10/10,  so why is this such a big deal - well I would guess that in my lifetime the next significant date will be 11/11/11 and 12/12/12 will be the last that I will ever experience(?)

Indeed these special date will the last anyone will ever take note, unless of course we change the basis of our modern calendar.

My understanding is that our lunar calendar of 365-ish days and a large assumption that the world started two thousand years ago. Sorry that was 2010 years since the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Also of interest is that there are chinese, hindu and jewish calendars -- each of these differs in terms of what is believed to be the first day of the year......

Special dates in many cultures will dictate when to get married, when to buy or make an investment, in short there are many superstitions when it comes to a 'date'.

For me a 'special date' is whenever we are able to get our kids together for a reunion or dinner. Time and Space have made this particularly hard, hence whenever this happens it is indeed 'special'.

OK then for 11/11/11 I will offer this as a challenge to drink a 11 years old bottle of Red Wine. Sounds like that will be a 'special date'.

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