Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lessons from my neighbour.

Over the last 3 days one thing is clear.

[I've learned so much...but realise that I know so little]

His holiness the Dalai Lama has been teaching Shantideva Way of Boddhisattva and along sharing from his endless set of stories of life. There is just so much to learn and the depth is not always easy to comprehend. The message is at the same time simple but complex.

Now I really understand what a blessing means.

He is the most amazing person that I have ever met - the most compassionate and humble individual that I have met. In many ways he defies description.

An amazing individual, but not an individual. He often he calls himself a simple monk but it is clear that he has wisdom that is 'uncommon' and he is knowledgeable and across nearly any subject he brings a sense of humanity; he is always about giving and not receiving.

He is a man that is easy to admire; he is transparent and generous - a real role model. His holiness can talk about any subject and any question does not seem to provide any angst.

The Dalai Lama tells everyone to do their research; he does not want anyone to follow blindly and I'm amazed how much he talks about how every religion shares the same basic principles and that he has great respect for Islam, Hinduism and Christianity.

I'm in awe and feel so inadequate and I just want to learn more......

His holiness has inspired me and I realise that this will be a long journey.

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