Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bryan Adams concert

Bryan Adams has this gravel voice that's really quire distinctive. Ideal for rock songs or in a Ballard with an acoustic guitar it just works !

He has a career and 16 albums - you could tell as he worked his way through a 2.5 hour concert. So many raunchy rock songs and then tender Ballards.

To me it is clear that so much of his material has 'cliche' verses that with the wrong artist just would sound corny. For Bryan they all work and he sung his repertoire with all of the audience in close company.

It wasn't Karoke, but you could easily think that what's going on. The audience knew all the words and Bryan knew that they knew. He then allowed for his own timing of passages so that we both could contribute to the song.

Bryan had video cameras going in 'black and white' and showing his own view of the audience. It was the first time that I had seen this and it was effective.

1 comment:

Steven Graham said...

very informative post.
