Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 here we come !

I recall at the turn of the millenium being on standby in Shanghai for the Year 2000 and the expected IT issues that would ensue.

It is hard to believe that it is now on the cusp of a new decade.....with the advent of 2010 beckoning.

At the year 2000 celebration we scored an amazing evening in Shanghai at the Yangtse Renaissance 4 Star Hotel where the owner had basically decided to throw a personal party.  During the evening Moet was on tap and the ticket included a hotel room, personal fireworks, Pre-cocktails, 8 course dinner, Midnight supper and next day brunch with a checkout whenever you woke up.  Of course there was a bottle of Moet in your room as well...just in case you did not drink enough. By the way there were bands, singers, opera performances and luxury watches given away.

Needless to say that I drank at least 3.5 bottles of Moet plus the French and Californian wines with unlimited Belugia Caviar.  All for the price of $200 per head !

Tonight we are on route to watch fireworks in Sydney Harbour and we drank a bottle of great 2000 Shiraz washing down the Aussie steak.  There will be no standby mode of IT systems failure and cellphones at the ready.  There is less drama and extravagance !   But we are home and that is a blessing and memorable enough !!  Wishing you all a great 2010 and the next decade.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Going Home !


After leaving Australia in January 1999, Anna and I would like to announce that we are going home !

We simply had no clue that this journey would take us to live and visit so many places. The privilege this has afforded us, is to meet so many great people that have become dear friends and our extended family. From a personal standpoint we have gained much by being away but have also deeply missed Australia and our family.

Along the way we have made some profound life learnings (perhaps these are not so special for you) :

First we have learnt that indeed all our lives are a journey, there are many paths and we alone can determine the route and eventually how happy we are when we arrive.

Second that this happiness is a journey in itself. To this end I read a quote from Crystal Boyd that captures this perfectly:

"There is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a not a destination.
So work like you don't need money.
Love like you've never been hurt, and, Dance like no one's watching...”

Thirdly and finally the journey is just beginning. There is still much more to be seen that can ever be seen and more to do that can ever be done - paraphrased from lyrics from Tim Rice and Elton John.

Will you join me on our next adventure?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What is so special about the Galapagos?

You can imagine that the world was once like the Galapagos Islands -- everywhere. You feel that you are indeed in the 'Garden of Eden' where all life is unafraid of man. However there are two feelings that have to be overcome:

First that you, yourself have fears of these animals, birds. This is a natural sensation, as you cannot be used to being is such close and I mean really close proximity to nature. Perhaps this was the way it was intended to be, but regardless of that it is unnatural.

Second if there is any rejection of the idea of 'evolution', then certainly the Galapagos Islands will be testing your beliefs with data simply in front of you. The islands are amazingly diverse and the inhabitants are 'unique' and their adaptations to live in this harsh environment is quite incredible.

After being in many exotic places around the world - Petra, Peru, Tibet, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Turkey, South Africa, Laos, India, Burma etc this is the most amazing place I've been to (fullstop)

My BLOG is named Darwin Boy where I was born, so travelling in the footsteps of Sir Charles Darwin had special meaning to me. Also the Galapagos are blessed with a species of birds that are incredible: Boobies. These come in Blue Footed, Red Footed and Nazcar Boobies -- as it happens my childhood nickname was Boobie. I'm sure my parents never read any Charles Darwin books -- hence this one of life's coincidences.

As the trip neared the end it was interesting to hear my fellow passengers talk about going back to the "real world". David Attenborough was quoted in saying: "a disconnection from the natural world means urban dwellers are losing sight of life's realities" It is easy to argue that this is the "real world!". We saw life and death played out everyday....there were new born sea lions with the placenta being eaten by birds, Albatross were doing mating dances, Sea Turtles were mating in the water, Male Seal Lions were fighting over their harem, Marine Iguanas were headbutting and fighting for was an unscripted joy to witness and see these amazing sights.

Indeed words are inadequate to describe this simply have to do go before you die and do promise not to leave any footprints, so that others can have this priviledge.


Friday, October 16, 2009

Not Drowning ---Waving

Recently I've been playing with Google Wave. Essentially this is a dynamic email -- best described as the email designed for today.

Everything is in real-time the message, chat, video, collaboration and sharing of documents etc.

The only problem is I don't know that many have an account on the sandbox (test environment)

If you are out there and see me Waving ...I'm not Drowning !!

Please Wave to me!w%252BvAgMN4FM%2525A

Friday, October 2, 2009

Gandhi's Birthday

Today, October 2nd is the day celebrated to mark the life of Mahatma Gandhi, he is an inspiring person who I admire greatly. He said: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever"

There is a significant amount written about Gandhi and Buddha, it is said that Gandhi continued what the Buddha began.

One profound Buddha teaching is: "The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed"

When comparing these two great Indians, the Rev. Dr. Holmes. — Minister of the Community Church, New York City said:
"If we would classify him (Gandhi) with any of the supreme figures of human history, it must be with such august religious prophets as Confucius and Lao-tse, Buddha, Zoroaster and Mohammed, and, most truly of all, the Nazarene ! Out of Asia, at long intervals of time, have arisen these inspired witnesses of God. One "by one they have appeared to teach men by precept and example the law of life, and thereivith to save the race. To-day, in this our time, there comes another of this sacred line, the Mahatma of India. In all reverence and with due regard for historic fact, I match this man with Jesus Christ"

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Journey

Do you remember when you were just 5 years old, or when you reached 10 years of age?

Your age is such a intangible element, but when you are young you just simply 'ached' to be older. To be that much taller, to make the basketball team, to outgrow the braces in mouth, and to achieve some goal that you have sought to attain.

But it seems as you grow older you want to be 'younger', the face-creams and eye products arrive. The massages and treatments become no longer a treat, but an aid to longevity.

We all seem to be on journey that you never actually arrive.

It seems simple that my learning is that the journey is indeed to be enjoyed as much as the destination.

Only drink good wine.
Live to eat, not eat to Live.
Enjoy (Love) what you do
Make everyday a great one !

Saturday, August 8, 2009


What is Integrity?

A dictionary will give you a definition as follows below, but my own personal definition is being able to look yourself in the mirror and really say: " I am doing the right thing".

To me (personally) when I see famous sports-persons deny taking performance enhancing drugs (after they are caught) is a good example of lack of integrity. The same applies in the workplace and we have seen Sarbanes Oxley and other compliance issues arise, which point to the growing issue of integrity in our society.

All around us we see examples of Integrity (or lack of)......there is a time for reflection, but moreover there must be a time for action.

If you choose not to act, then you too are not doing the right thing.

[ in téggrətee ]



1. possession of firm principles: the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards

2. completeness: the state of being complete or undivided ( formal )
the territorial integrity of the nation

3. wholeness: the state of being sound or undamaged ( formal )
public confidence in the integrity of the voting process


Thursday, June 25, 2009


Just got the news Michael Jackson has passed away at age 50 years old. I'm in shock we have all grown up with his music and witnessed his changes, antics and peculiar behavior.

Hard to believe that someone who was such a 'Peter Pan' figure and never seemingly grew up has past. Have to chalk up another legend that I never will witness to hear perform 'live'.

He was despite his personal shortcomings a genuis ! My daughter Amber just recently bought tickets to see him in London, Michael was a person who spanned generations - just amazing

Micheal I trust you are up there making beautiful music and you are understood.

"I wanna rock with you (all night)
Dance you into day (sunlight)
I wanna rock with you (all night)
Were gonna rock the night away"

Saturday, June 13, 2009


As we walked through the entrance flanked by an Elephant, Snake, Iguana and other assorted animals. We entered the Zoo and of course realised the real animals were the ones dressed like penguins in dinner suits and evening gowns.

This was a gala evening in the open air with 80+ of Indys finest food and a open bar serving just about everything. For this event, glam was important but just as critical were good shoes as you wondered through the zoo tasting small portions while juggling a glass or two. There were a number of bands strategically placed around the grounds, you couldn't help but wonder what the normal residents thought of all this commotion.

The foot massage one of three options at a SPA and was a welcome stop along this route. As the crowd increased the pace you moved accelerated to a crawl, thus there was little danger of getting too tipsy. It was all for a good cause: the Zoo's largest fund raising event. Thanks for John and Jessie for being our chaperone's.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Snow Patrol needed for COLDPLAY

Sounds and music are a great medium to reset us all and after the end of a work week what better than a outdoor concert.

Last night night we were treated to some life in Technicolour at a COLDPLAY concert. They were fabulous and we noted that compared to the James Taylor, Elton John, Billy Joel audiences we attended there was a minus -20 to -30 years demographic.

COLDPLAY are a great stage band and give a really audience concert. They moved from center stage twice to smaller outlying stages to be closer to their audience. From my limited exposure to this band I seemed to know most of their songs, but I could sense the 'greatness' that this group possesses. The band has a stage sense, energy and a distinctive sound that is easy on the ears.

I've got no doubt that COLDPLAY will be in the legend category when they decide to "hang up" their boots. Hey guys Thanks also for the free recession buster CD (LeftRightLeftRightLeft) that is a nice gesture !

We were pleased to also get a double treat of COLD with Snow Patrol the support group! Snow Patrol is a good band and while not in the same frigid zone is nevertheless worth seeing.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

7 Wonders of the World

(Updated List - October 2013)

There are so many wonders of the world, indeed there are multiple definitions of what are these magic 7. I wrote this BLOG entry as I was leaving for a holiday to Machu Pinchu and the Amazon.

The much heard saying that: "Not how many breaths you take but how many moments take your breath away". I truly subscribe to this philosophy and while it is no guarantee that you will be left breathless the Wonders of the World are indeed a good place to start.

So I would invite you to join with me in your own analysis of how many of these you have seen:

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (2 \ 7)

  1. Great Pyramid of Giza
  2. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  3. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  4. Statue of Zeus at Olympia
  5. Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
  6. Colossus of Rhodes
  7. Lighthouse of Alexandria

Wonders of the Medieval World (first 5 \ 7)

  1. Great Wall of China
  2. Colosseum
  3. Hagia Sophia
  4. Leaning Tower of Pisa
  5. Porcelain Tower of Nanjing
  6. Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa
  7. Stonehenge

New 7 Wonders Foundation's seven wonders of the world (first 5 / 8)

  1. Great Wall of China
  2. Petra
  3. Machu Picchu
  4. Roman Colosseum
  5. Taj Mahal
  6. Great Pyramid (Honorary Candidate)
  7. Christ the Redeemer
  8. Chichen Itza

USA Today's New Seven Wonders (5 \ 8)

  1. Potala Palace
  2. Old City of Jerusalem
  3. Internet
  4. Grand Canyon (viewer-chosen eighth wonder)
  5. Polar ice caps
  6. Maya ruins
  7. Great Migration of Serengeti and Masai Mara
  8. Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument

Man-made travel wonders (10 \ 10)

  1. Giza pyramid complex
  2. Great Wall of China
  3. Taj Mahal
  4. Machu Picchu
  5. Bali
  6. Angkor Wat
  7. Forbidden City
  8. Bagan Temples & Pagodas
  9. Karnak Temple
  10. Teotihuacán

Natural travel wonders (5 \ 9)

  1. Galápagos Islands *
  2. Grand Canyon
  3. Amazon Rainforest
  4. Great Barrier Reef
  5. Iguazu Falls
  6. Ngorongoro Crater
  7. Victoria Falls
  8. Bora Bora
  9. Cappadocia

Remember I noted earlier that as I wrote this story we were on route to Maachu Pinchu to join our friends who had decided to help celebrate Anna's 50th birthday in Peru. So in the spirit of 'wonderful' let me list a personal Wonders of the World for which I am

Wonderful of Wonders (7 \7)
  1. Anna
  2. Nathan
  3. Amber
  4. Jeremy
  5. Sabrina
  6. Sam
  7. Virginia

Wonders of Wonders (7 \7)
  1. Greg
  2. Kathryn
  3. Mike Davis
  4. Laurie
  5. Tom
  6. Alfredo
  7. Mike Cross

Thank you all for being 'Wonderful' I'm glad that we all met and our path crossed, it is truly amazing that our normal life and travel schedules allowed us to share this moment to be in this place and see this together.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Piano MEN

Last evening we were treated to the duelling piano play of Elton John and Billy Joel. It is ironic to think that these two artists on the same stage were mortal enemies in the early 80's. I recall attending a concert by Billy Joel at the Sydney Opera House in 1976 and a few years hearing Elton John accusing Billy of plagiarising his songs. From memory Sir Elton thought that 'Big Shot' was a copy of 'Bennie & the Jets' . It was amusing to see them both singing Bennie together on stage

Billy with his 18 albums was in my view overshadowed by Elton with his 29 albums. I've seen them both on stage many times - Elton 5 times and Billy at least 4 times, they were not to disappoint. A little more weight on the body and somewhat of a link or a waddle. But their music was magnificent !

Elton clearly was a class above Billy. He always had an amazing voice and what a repertoire! While Billy was more the showman and affable person that talked with the crowd. His work with his band was 'tight' and they were worked well together.

In the end the audience got two great artists for the same price. I particularly enjoyed their joint rendition of Back to the USSR - a Beatles Classic. I'm sure John L would have approved.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

If you have not heard of or tried this then you must ! I'm not sure exactly how this works but this search engine is amazing !!!

I remember feeling the same way the first time I saw Yahoo then AskJeeves then Google. Just try some questions and see how this interprets and throws data and analysis back to you. If you don't feel awestruck by this I'm not sure what will ?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You've got a friend !

James Taylor I've been waiting for more than twenty years to hear and see you in concert. Indeed you've got a friend ! When I think about the greatest songs it is hard to go past 'Fire and Rain', How Sweet it is, Carolina on my mind and many other Taylormade classics.

From his early work through to his latest album (Covers) James has always been a poetic songwriter with a ever so open soul. As a 'consumer' of his music you feel that he is an 'old friend' and that you have a personal relationship with him. On stage James told a small story for just about every song as he introduced the number. He was surprisingly jovial and talked to the audience in a natural friendly style.

As he sang my mind and senses focused and a invisible channel between singer and listener was created. James Taylor is the master of ballads and does cross over between country, popular and soul.

In a morbid moment I even thought if you had to choose a song it would likely be a James Taylor number. When I think about what I'd like to have played at my funeral it would be a tough choice as you wanted to be remembered for who you are and also not be too sad to make it all that more difficult for your loved ones.

Our tickets were not great (Balcony C and Row X), acoustics were OK and there were some members of the audience near us that were drunk and rowdy . But I'm glad I went to see his smiling face !

Friday, May 1, 2009

Meet the Obama's

Today we were in Washington DC for the weekend and in deciding where to go first we decided to ventured over to the White House to see the Obama's.

As we approached the North Lawn there was a tour of china tourists speaking mandarin and saying "over there is the White House". A passing American said to his friend: "What they just said is that by next year we will own that". I thought that was an interesting observation from this unidentified american person.

We wandered around to the South Lawn which is where most press photos are shot and did our obligatory photos. We were spotting the Secret Security police hiding on the rooftop and in the garden, it became a game to see who could spot the missing one. Then without warning we were all asked to move out of this area. A sure sign that the Obama's were coming and heard that the Gee's were in town. From our vantage point on the other side of the road with five (5) fences inbetween us....I could spot Barrack, Michelle, the girls and Bo ! All playing on the lawn, as I told Anna others heard me and of course were disbelieving. We then watched the private moment of Barrack hosing Bo down with a hose and then the girls running around the lawn with him. (See in the distance behind 5 fences - can you see them?)

Later we went over to the Lincoln Memorial, as we are aware Abe is Obama's role model and I've grown to respect Abe Lincoln for his humility and for his leadership. (In the photo you will see Anna checking my wallet after walking past FDIC)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Green Swine Decession

Just when you thought the world was already busy fighting the economic crisis that had been preceded by the Al Gore lead global conscience world about Greenhouse gases; we are suddenly in the midst of a Swine Flu Pandemic.

There is already a raucous about not discriminating against Pig farmers and 'Pork'. Yes they are correct eating Pork won't spread the Swine Flu.

The advent of the Swine Flu will indeed slow down the world economy as travel, dining out and living takes a back seat to surviving. I remember the adjustments we made living through the SARS virus in Hong Kong and am still struck by the changes in behavior of not shaking hands with your partner after a round of golf.

Good thing we still have a supply of 3M Face Masks from the last crisis!

I do recall that despite the difficulties of the time a period of great change will create a significant opportunities. From my Hong Kong days I have a great painting I acquired (wearing a mask) at amazing price, as at the time there were just no-one going out into the streets.

What we will you do during the Green Swine Decession to use this to your advantage?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

An Enchanted Evening with Art Garfunkel

Last night we witnessed the distinctive voice of Art Garfunkel. The New York Times had been quoted to say: "A beautiful countertenor...surely one of the finest instruments in all of popular music". Now as I listened I understood the magnitude of his talent.

He stumbled once at the start of the performance and noticeably got his timing wrong, but after that he seemed effortless in his renditions of old standards and dear friends.

I resisted the temptation to sing-along with any of his classic songs, as I probably felt that nothing I could do could enhance what I was hearing.

Art Garfunkel sang, then told stories of his life and read poetry about his new three year old son - the guy is sixty six years old !

Indeed an enchanted evening I won't ever forget.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

When I was Twenty Years Old

When I was Twenty Years Old I made one of the best decisions of my life. As Anna and I married at St Mary's Church in Waverley in Sydney. A 'quirky fact' not well known is that this is where the wedding scene in the 1994 film Muriel’s Wedding was filmed.

This church St Mary's is a few kilometres from the finest beaches in Sydney and the stamping ground of my teenage years. We had lived in a 'great' house less than 5 minutes walk to Tamarama beach (better know as Glamorama beach - for the models and topless bathers that frequented the place)

Rev Terrence Dicks presided over our ceremony, I've since learnt that the very youthful looking Rev Terry became a quadriplegic only three years ago from a surfing accident. With him by my side I remember how I glanced nervously down the aisle as 'Here comes the bride' played on the 31st of March 1979.

Anna and I had first met when we both were in High School she was at Petersham Girls School and I was at Newington College. Our initial meeting was memorable and a story in itself, of course our versions aren't exactly the same. The fact that I even that I bothered to call her back (which astounded my mates) as they wondered who was this girl? that I playfully had told them that her name is "Margo' to play a little trick on them.

Here we are thirty years later plus Nathan, Amber and Jeremy. Hey I realised that I've been married longer than I have been single and with Anna for most of my life, Those of you that know me will agree what a great decision !

As you would expect Anna has changed me in many ways, at first she inspired me to study hard and my goal became to stop playing sports - giving up my beloved rugby and a chance for glory in the top teams to study. For the first time in my life I focused on my books and my undergraduate and masters degrees would never have been attained without her positive influence.

The international experience that I have as a career I would also attribute to Anna who asked me one day wouldn't it be great if you had a opportunity to live and work overseas?

So let me say a first words about my babe (Anna). First of all Happy Anniversary - Anna is a very easy person to love, she is the most kind, giving and thoughtful person that I've ever met. If Anna was a rock she would be a 'diamond', she has natural brillant side to her and at the same time her industrial side (when she chooses to apply) can cut through any problem to get things resolved.

Anna has a great eye as those of you that know us and have seen Anna's collections (shoes, clothes, furniture, art etc). She loves her kids and family dearly. For many of our friends I know that she adopts you as a 'family' member whenever you are around her.

Together we have travelled the world and met many great friends.I look forward to the next 30 years of love, life experiences and amazing food with you - Anna.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What is important?

Last year I fulfilled a long wish that is to buy a 'toy' car. When we were in Shanghai we had a 'Driver' (Fen) which was wonderful for those late night parties and dinners when you never had to worry about drinking and driving. Our trusty Honda < took us to many cities in China. Later when we moved to HongKong we leased through the company scheme a Volkswagen (a great car with oomph) all was missing was the Audi A4 badges and Fen to drive us. What we did lack however was many places in HK to drive to except the Airport or Clear Water Bay Golf Course. So that vehicle spent more days in the garage than on the road. Fast forward to our time in Kobe and the standard issue Toyota Harrier (Lexus) 4 Wheel Drive was just great with a amazing GPS Navigation system and TV (all in Japanese of course)

For me arriving in the USA meant a chance to really select the car that I wanted rather than from a short-list of cars. The opportunity to drive a sporty BMW 328 was too much of me to deny and that was my choice. For Anna after much deliberation about the planet and focus on the Toyota Prius, with the lack of stock of that vehicle she adjusted her focus ever so slightly to purchase a Mercedes C300.

Now after a year these are just cars....they get us from A to B. We have used the cars to take us to Chicago (the city) and also to the countryside to see Chicago (the band).

But to the real point of this story - what is important?

I've learnt that gas mileage is quite important as we have seen in the past year at the petrol pump. Seat Warmers in the cold of Indy are also quite handy. The All-Wheel drive transmissions that our cars have has proved useful when the roads are slipping and sliding. And the split fold seats for carrying golf clubs and buggies has been an absolute godsend.

However what is really important - is that I'm over the idea of toy cars. I looked at my car the other day and said I have a 'BMW' - great !

So I started to wonder although Buddhism does not take issue with of material goods, it does find fault with people’s attachment to material goods. According to Buddhist theory only greed and desire for material items brings suffering,

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pacers take the Heat

Last night we watched Pacers play the Miami Heat. The game featured the Allstars Dwyane Wade, ex-Pacer Jermaine O'neal and 2008 2nd Draft pick Michael Beasley up against Danny Granger with a bunch of rookies.

The game was won by the Pacers by 2 points and I was surprised how competitive the match was as it resembled an arm wrestle. Up until the final 1.3 seconds it was there to be won or loss and Dwyane Wade through up a 3 pointer that rimmed out.

I was also amazed at the extent of the hype and the parade of extras that proceeded through each quarter break and even during the timeouts. There were the obligatory trampoline dunking, cheer-girls and free t-shirts, balls etc projected into the crowd.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Desperado for Eagles

Tonight we went to see the Eagles. They did not disappoint their many fans and were just so professional and the quality of the music was amazing. From (Hotel California) when bell bottomed jeans, clogs and a silver belt were in fashion we fast forward to the Eagles with their most recent Long Road Out Of Eden album.

These guys have been clearly "Busy Being Fabulous" over a long period of time a (Long Run).
We so many good songs and memories I is truly hard not be cliched. So with restraint here goes

As a (New Kid in Town) Indy I clearly enjoyed this show as I've grown up with this music. Some of my favorite one-liners include:

"Desperado why don't you come to your senses."

"Take it easy, take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy."

"Four that wanna own me, Two that wanna stone me, One says she's a friend of mine,"

"On a dark desert highway Cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas Rising up thru the air "

"But he knows where she's goin' as she's leavin' She is headed for the cheatin' side of town"

The guys did alot of old and new material during the three hour performance. This included many songs from their solo careers.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Last night went to experience STOMP - which is a dynamic combination of tap dance, percussion and comedy. Was unlike anything I've experienced and seemingly combined Street (urban), Calypso, African and Asian themes into the one performance.

The beauty of the show was in synchronised percussion using 'whatever' and I mean just that. From tins, pots, signs, cigarette packets, tire tubes to the kitchen sink was utilised for making a rhythmic tones.

As we had scored third row seats the impact of the drumming was felt to the core of our body. The STOMP crew had really great interaction with the audience and while they never spoke and limited their communications to their eyes, expressions, hand signals and grunts. A international language but they have everyone tapping, stomping and clapping in 30 different ways and patterns. STOMP out to see if you you get a chance.......

Saturday, February 21, 2009


The world as we know it is in turmoil.....Obama has inherited a country deeply troubled with the recession that is speedily out of control into a depression. There are fundamentals that need to be corrected in this country and this won't come without some element of pain.

It seems unfair that the world has "caught a cold" from the excesses of a few on Wall Street. To many of the poor in India, China etc there livelihood, home and family are at risk.

But it is also clear that a cancer exists within the society that the government has been unwilling in the past to deal with. You can argue what are these cancers in society. I would argue: Greed, Complacency, No will to reform the past (auto industry), insufficient attention to health of the people (Obesity) and a much needed focus on the environment (Global Warming)

Is America ready and willing to accept a measure of elixir to heal itself? And more importantly to be accountable while doing this for the infection of hardship it has passed onto the world?

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Things I like most about....

Below is a list of places I've lived (some that I travelled to recently) and what I miss most (or like most) about these places

Sydney's Top 5
  1. Nathan, Amber and Jeremy
  2. Mum
  3. My friends and family (Ellen, Lena, Sintae, Sam & Sabrina etc etc)
  4. Great Weather
  5. Fresh Seafood
Kobe Top 5
  1. Kumar, Sunita, Mike, Laurie, Marina, Amy, Greg, Kath, Marie-Rose, Pierre, Karsten, Michelle, Tim & Jocelyn, Tom & Alfredo
  2. Nights @ the Kobe Club
  3. Cakes from Sogo Department Store
  4. Kobe Beef
  5. Nadaban Restaurant
Hong Kong Top 5
  1. The non-stop movement of people in Tsim Sha Tsui, Causeway Bay
  2. Yum Cha & Cantonese Food
  3. Kerry, Sheldon, Ethan & Heather
  4. Golf at Clear Water Bay
  5. Shopping excursions to Shenzen
Shanghai Top 5
  1. The 'heartbeat' of the city
  2. Shanghainese food
  3. Shopping, shopping
  4. People watching
  5. The contrast of old and new cities co-existing
Singapore Top 5
  1. Chili & Pepper Crab
  2. Hawker Food (almost everywhere)
  3. Rendevous Cafe - Nasi Lamak
  4. Roti & Curry sauce
  5. Singapore culture ? "Ok la"
New York Top 5
  1. Great theatres around Broadway
  2. Walking thru a living breathing being (the city that is)
  3. Katz Deli
  4. Times Square for people watching
  5. Shopping @ Outlets
Indianapolis Top 5
  1. Anna
  2. Access to concerts & shows
  3. Cheap Golf (especially compared to Japan)
  4. TBA
  5. TBA