Friday, November 18, 2011

What is important?

What is important? That is a lifelong question that we all need to struggle with. I've thought about this over a number of years and come up with a few simple questions to reflect on:

- How do I feel go about myself and how do I treat others?

- Am I spending enough time with my family and loved ones ?

- Is my work both rewarding and challenging?

- Do I feel life is taking me in the right direction?

- Can I connect with my spiritual feelings and do feel in touch with this dimension?

These are all questions that we all struggle with in our daily lives. The lucky ones are those few beings who are able to be at peace with this noise and constant struggle.

I would believe that our journey of life should address these issues and allow us to reconcile the meaning of our existence.

Good adventure with your own journey!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sunshine Beach

Sunshine Beach sounds like a location with an abundance of sun-rays.

Yes I can report that this locale has clear beaches and blue skies. A nice little surf break and not over crowded or full of tourists.

As you examine the sea from a vantage point is the glitter of dolphins swimming in the distance. For the Dolphins in their natural habitat and they frolic happily in the clear water.

Thanks to our hosts for a great weekend of food and wine.

Friday, November 11, 2011

11 11 11

Like most 'special' days there are always the end of the world conspiracies. Plus a share of speculation and superstition. I'm glad to report that for me 11/11/11 was just another day in paradise.

27 degrees....lots to do

Enjoying the challenge at work Actually turned out to be a pretty good one.

There is one more of these special days to look forward to in my lifetime 12 12 12.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Leaving Melbourne

This weekend will mark my last official weekend in Melbourne. Having returned late last evening from Brisbane I immediately got into 'task' mode of packing some items that I have been missing in my new apartment. A good novel, some shoes a few more shirts etc

But today after a few hours sleep and Anna I will be back in the streets to experience what is arguably Australia's best city. Why is Melbourne so good?

Well I believe you really need to live here to appreciate the city and the richness of culture, sports and lifestyle. For me I would add these highlights:

- Australian Grand Prix
- Australian Open Tennis
- Theatre & Shows
- Mornington Peninsular Wineries
- Yarra Valley Wineries
- Aussie Rules @ the MCG (just an experience)
- Rebels Rugby
- Bars, Tapas and great great food
- Accessibility (the Trams are really a great way to get around)
- Sand Belt Golf Courses (so many to choose from)

I'm sure that I forgot many things that we also enjoyed and I do understand why it rates as one of the best places in the world to live. We will be going to the Theatre and eating one last time, at some of our favourite haunts.

Actually I should also add; that despite the bad press - the weather in Melbourne is really not that bad and you get used to the 4 seasons in one day. The new job is really really great and I'm enjoying being back in the saddle again. (I'm enjoying the challenge and also the organisation culture \ the people)

Goodbye to Melbourne and Hello to our new life in Brisbane !

Sunday, August 28, 2011

CIO Credit Union of Australia

I'm excited to announce that I've accepted the role of CIO for Credit Union of Australia. We will be relocating to Brisbane hence there is so much to little time.

More details later......but here is the Press Release

CUA, Australia’s largest customer-owned financial institution, has today announced the appointment of David Gee as Chief Information Officer (CIO). Mr Gee will join CUA on Monday 5 September.

Mr Gee is a highly experienced CIO with an international career spanning a broad range ofindustries and roles featuring strong, transformational change. He joins CUA from KPMG IT Advisory’s Australian practice, where he was Director, consulting to a range of companiesincluding the major banks and corporations. Prior to that David held CIO roles in Eli Lilly, a top 10 global pharmaceutical company, across its US, Japan, China and broader Asian operations over a 15 year period. Mr Gee has significant experience in driving change using both business process re-engineering and with six sigma.

According to CUA’s Chief Executive Officer, Chris Whitehead, Mr Gee’s extensive sector experience with its strong focus on IT-led transformation will be invaluable to CUA as it progresses on its growth strategy.

“We are delighted to announce the appointment of such a high calibre CIO. I am confident that David’s international experience and background in transformational change will bring great perspective to the organisation and ensure we remain focused as we continue to refine
our IT strategy.

“CUA has a number of major IT related projects underway, including the installation of a new core system and the development of our digital strategy. Recently we’ve had great success with the launch of iPhone and Android applications and our Facebook site, and we look forward to David’s passion for innovation in the digital space to progress these initiatives.

“David was the successful candidate from a very strong field of applicants which is testament to our growing profile and the desire of quality candidates, both internal and external, to join us on our exciting journey of growth,” said Mr Whitehead.

Mr Gee said, “The transformation journey that CUA has embarked on aligns closely with my previous experience and is an area in which I find the greatest job satisfaction. Since returning to Australia in 2010 I have been looking for the right opportunity to move back into a corporate CIO role and am genuinely excited about the activities and initiatives taking place at CUA and the opportunities for me to make a meaningful contribution.”

Even Celebrity Chef George thinks I should be leaving KPMG !

Friday, August 19, 2011

This morning....

Just imagine that you are in the Hot Air Balloon over Melbourne. You would be thinking "what a beautiful day it is today...the sun is shining and the weather is just gorgeous"

"I'm so lucky and happy...a great day to be alive"

But the world is full of disturbances both economic, social and political. At the same time there are just appalling images of famine in Africa where the poorest of poor are struggling to just stay alive.

There is so much to be grateful for and we all take everything for granted.

Let me ask all of us to picture ourselves way above it all and that just might help many of us to look beyond our own circumstances.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Borobodur - what you see when you really examine closely....

Borobodur is the largest tourist attraction in Indonesia (a Buddhist Monastry in a Muslim country). It is indeed an incredible structure of Ancient Stupas from the 8th century.

What you see is clearly magnificent and monumental it has detail and is shaped into the form of a Mandala - a Sanskrit word meaning "circle". By definition a Mandala is meant to assist the process of mediation. We found that design to be quite poetic as the journey of circum-navigating Borobodur is in itself a journey and a pilgrimage.

The first time through we appreciate and notice 'shapes and forms'. But it is the return visit that we really start to understand the meaning and story. That was true of our own recent trip and on our return we started to examine the stone reliefs which decorate the sides of Borobodur. Like many things in life there is an important lesson to be learnt if one examines things more closely.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What is 3,430.5 Kilometres or 2,132 miles ?

That's the distance of the Tour de France.

Cadel Evans was the first winner of this race and the reason that I have some bags under my eyes (from the late nights)

Historically he has come his own journey and originally he hailed from Katherine in the Northern Territory. Where I also was born !

What an amazing race of strength and endurance. Regardless if you think in metric or imperial......just imagine how you would feel from sitting so so many kilometres.

These are just incredible athletes and his achievement is just such a feat of strong will after finishing 2nd on two occasions. Very well done Cadel !!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Google +

Google +

I wanted to write a few words about the latest offering from GOOGLE. This is their latest social networking play and I'm really impressed with the clean interface and speed of access. Scoring a invitation a day after it opened; I noticed that this was on sale on eBay for 99 cents through to $17 !

The features of Google + are impressive and I think it is a winner. In particular I like the Circles and the privacy that this provides vs Facebook.

It was a little strange in those first days..when my connections and their content was not in place. Now when I look and see the content (whoa) That's quickly there are photos and the number of connections (despite my reluctance to accelerate these)

After downloading their iPhone app which was released a whole week after the's amazing how quick we expect things to be put in place.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lessons from my neighbour.

Over the last 3 days one thing is clear.

[I've learned so much...but realise that I know so little]

His holiness the Dalai Lama has been teaching Shantideva Way of Boddhisattva and along sharing from his endless set of stories of life. There is just so much to learn and the depth is not always easy to comprehend. The message is at the same time simple but complex.

Now I really understand what a blessing means.

He is the most amazing person that I have ever met - the most compassionate and humble individual that I have met. In many ways he defies description.

An amazing individual, but not an individual. He often he calls himself a simple monk but it is clear that he has wisdom that is 'uncommon' and he is knowledgeable and across nearly any subject he brings a sense of humanity; he is always about giving and not receiving.

He is a man that is easy to admire; he is transparent and generous - a real role model. His holiness can talk about any subject and any question does not seem to provide any angst.

The Dalai Lama tells everyone to do their research; he does not want anyone to follow blindly and I'm amazed how much he talks about how every religion shares the same basic principles and that he has great respect for Islam, Hinduism and Christianity.

I'm in awe and feel so inadequate and I just want to learn more......

His holiness has inspired me and I realise that this will be a long journey.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Dalai Lama is my neighbour

For the next 3 days the Dalai Lama will be living within a few hundred metres of my house. There are times in your life when a moment or an event sticks in your memory for some time. This weekend is going to be one of those incidents and an incredible experience to always treasure.

His holiness the Dalai Lama will be conducting a workshop at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, which is a casual 5 minute walk from our apartment.

First, we feel very special to be attending the 3 day workshop and to be in such proximity has a 'warm' glow.

Will be sure to report back in the next blog entry a more wiser person from this life changing experience.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Full Circle

We have just returned from a 2 week trip to Kobe and Shanghai, two cities that I lived. Hence is really a full circle moment to and reflect on what's changed. In addition we visited Beijing where we also had not visited for 4 years. And a new destination Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain)

On this trip it was remarkable that firstly we managed to meet with so many friends who were coincident happen to be in Kobe. That was such a great treat for us to enjoy again their company.....

Staying with Mike and Laurie in Kobe; then Carsten & Michelle in Beijing we were spoilt with fantastic hosts. I even had a number of reunions with old Lilly staff members and that was also a highlight.

Now for my observations -- Kobe has hardly changed, while Osaka has had some noticeable improvements around Umeda. The price of items has not changed and that was quite remarkable....Allow me to compare Japan which seems have hardly changed to that of China.....

The rise of the middle class was so obvious with KFC on most street corners, plus new models of (local model) Mercedes and BMW cars

Pollution - dramatically reduced (the sky was blue!)
Spitting - saw one person only
Lines - people line up and also wait to cross the road
Traffic - horrific

Such a cultural change, I'm sure that the olympics had alot to do about these shifts.


Pollution - also radically less
Spitting - zero
Lines - people line up and also wait to cross the road
Traffic - much much improved

However no-one seemed to have adjusted their smoking behaviour, despite the recent legislation....I guess that is the next challenge for China?

Huang Shan is probably the most beautiful mountains we have ever visited. Previously we have been to three other of the famous religiously famous mountain ranges. The walk was treacherous -- up and down, slippery and wet. But amazing breathtaking views.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Where I have visited

visited 42 states (18.6%)
Create your own visited map of The World

I Just Haven't Met You Yet

Michael Bublé - when I first heard him, the first reaction was oh...another Harry Connick Junior type.

To me his image was this cool, jazzy guy who wore suits and crooned.  Earlier last year I had mentally prepared a list of who I would like to see, in terms of shows and concerts.  Specifically I said out aloud, "I'm just not into Michael Bublé  and would give that a miss".

As it transpires we were invited to his concert at Rod Laver stadium in a 'superbox'.  Quickly I realised that Bublé was Cool + Sassy + Funny + Humble.  There seemed to be a person that you could immediately relate with; and surprising most of the men shifted from neutral to being a 'fan' within a few songs.

We danced, sang and drank way too much.....the concert itself was just a 'fun' and 'entertaining' event with Michael doing humorous & insightful introductions to each and every song.  His band was talented and their musical abilities were just outstanding.

One of Bublé wellknown songs just sum up  this rapid transit for me not really wanting to go to see his show and what actually happened:

  "And I Promise You Kid That I'll Give So Much More Than I Get
   I Just Haven't Met You Yet"

So Very True to his word!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Melbourne REBELS

Last evening we witnessed the inaugural game from the Melbourne REBELS who were playing the NSW Waratahs.  For a sporting city like Melbourne this was always going to be an event that would be followed by the numerous expats from the rugby states and the many Brits etc that live here.

The REBELS with a collection of older (and past their prime) with some youth were matched against arguably a contender for the Super 15 title.  NSW boasting a team full of Wallabies were never threatened by the new franchise.

However there was a moment in the first 5 minutes where the ball was controlled and they looked to be a disciplined side; however two yellow cards were evidence that Rod McQueen has much ahead of him to make this a champion team.

The REBELS have a logo which uses the 5 stars from the Eureka Flag -- from the Eureka Rebellion at Ballarat.  As history shows this was a struggle for democracy and nationalism which was unsuccessful. Even to this day there is arguments for using the southern cross with the design of a new flag for Australia.

This theme of underdog is certainly a card that the REBELS are using and they also used the
Les Miserables song  (Do you hear the people sing?)  based on the French Revolution in an attempt to stir the crowd.

REBELS REBELS REBELS.....was a chant that started as 41-0 score with 5 minutes to go. There is a spirit and the crowd was willing the team forward -- not bad spirit for an initial foray.

The season is not over yet....we don't have a revolution yet; just the start of a rebellion !

And the REBELS will now have my support at the remaining home games. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Stung by Sting......

First let me admit I'm not a Sting Fan; never have purchased a CD or record from his Police or solo career. Last night he played at the Music Bowl with the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra -- and was stunning.

Yes we were stung with what a classy act he is.  The music quality, his voice and the depth of the stories he told in his songs all were just a treat.

The acoustics were really really good and you could appreciate nearly every instrument that was being played. Of course this included the 'voice' - so clear and had that 'fidelity', or should I say 'authentic', he was the real deal !

This combined with a perfect evening; not a cloud in the sky and with the typical Melbourne evening cool, good food and great company.  Now what was also amazing was the line to get into the bowl and the scouting to find a small turf of grass in the already assembled masses. However the 'crowd' was generous and friendly and we noted that the spirit of goodwill generally prevailed, what otherwise could be a tricky situation.

Now let me comment on how he delivered these songs  - like good wine, the songs have aged well and Sting has creatively revised each of these, adding a new twist and flavour.

All the old police favorites -- Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, Roxanne, Next To You and Every Breath You Take were tastefully delivered. And the songs from his solo career were also just stunning – Englishman In New York, Fragile, Russians, If I Ever Lose My Faith In You, Fields Of Gold, and Desert Rose.

Simply put I'm now a fan.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Special Dates

Today is 11/1/11, and I recall consciously thinking today is 1/1/11. Similarly when 7/7/77 and 8/8/88 dates occurred there was an A-Ha moment.

However I don't remember 9/9/99, perhaps that was because I was living in Shanghai at that time and there were other challenges to be concerned about. It is quite possible that this was due to preparation for the year 2000 and all the work that went into that 'special date'.

Last year we also celebrated a 10/10/10,  so why is this such a big deal - well I would guess that in my lifetime the next significant date will be 11/11/11 and 12/12/12 will be the last that I will ever experience(?)

Indeed these special date will the last anyone will ever take note, unless of course we change the basis of our modern calendar.

My understanding is that our lunar calendar of 365-ish days and a large assumption that the world started two thousand years ago. Sorry that was 2010 years since the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Also of interest is that there are chinese, hindu and jewish calendars -- each of these differs in terms of what is believed to be the first day of the year......

Special dates in many cultures will dictate when to get married, when to buy or make an investment, in short there are many superstitions when it comes to a 'date'.

For me a 'special date' is whenever we are able to get our kids together for a reunion or dinner. Time and Space have made this particularly hard, hence whenever this happens it is indeed 'special'.

OK then for 11/11/11 I will offer this as a challenge to drink a 11 years old bottle of Red Wine. Sounds like that will be a 'special date'.